Photoshop Exercise - Fixing Perspective

  1. Open your photo in Photoshop
  2. Duplicate the Background layer by clicking Layer > Duplicate Layer
  3. Create a grid for aligning your image
    1. On the full version of Photoshop, click View > Show > Grid
    2. On Elements, Create a new layer (Layer > New Layer)
      Choose your Brush Tool
      Hold down the shift key and drag a horizontal line; release the mouse
      Click your mouse and then hold down the shift key and drag a horizontal line; repeat in horizontal and vertical stripes until you have enough of a grid to align your image.
  4. Make sure “Background Copy” is your active layer
  5. Begin Transforming:
    1. In the full version of Photoshop, Click Edit > Free Transform
    2. In Elements, Click Image > Transform > Free Transform
  6. Move your cursor off one of your corners and rotate the image until one edge is vertical (your image may work better if the straight edge is horizontal)
  7. In our example, the door has a perspective problem.
    Right Click (Ctrl Click in mac) and choose Perspective.
    Drag the upper right corner straight up so that the top edge of the door is parallel to one of your horizontal guides.
  8. In our example, this does not resolve all the perspective issues.
    Place your cursor in the middle of the right edge and drag down until you have an equal amount of perspective distortion at the top and bottom.
  9. Drag the upper right corner straight up so that the top edge of the door is parallel to one of your horizontal guides.
  10. Repeat steps 8 and 9 until the perspective tool has done all that it can
  11. Right Click (Ctrl Click in mac) and choose scale (or free transform)
    Drag the right edge out until the panel nearly fills the space.
  12. Right Click (Ctrl Click in mac) and choose distort
    Pull on the right hand corners until they are perfectly square.
  13. Hit the enter/return key to finish the transformation.
  14. Turn off your grid
    1. On the full version of Photoshop, click View > Show > Grid
    2. On Elements, make your grid layer your active layer and delete it.
  15. If you are finished with your image, flatten your image by clicking Layer > Flatten image.
  16. Save your work
