Take a walk on the wild side

It's a great time to get outside and enjoy the treats nature has to offer. 

We took a walk in Olympia's Grass Lake Nature Reserve this week and were treated to all sorts of wonderful plants. We saw dozens of the distinctive orange Columbia lilies, which were at their prime. Although the Ocean-spray was mostly finished flowering, there were still some of the white, draping bouquets to see. A few yarrow were blooming in the drier parts of the park. And, a special treat was seeing the ghostly-looking one-flower Indian-pipe.

If you are out this week, you might look for berries. On our hike, there were ripe salmonberries, native blackberries, a few service berries and some red huckleberries. The thimbleberries look like they will be ripe soon. Yum. 

Columbia lilies are sometimes called tiger lilies

Salal and wild strawberries share the forest floor with yarrow

The delicate flowers of the Ocean-spray are a delight in close-up

The flowers of Monotropa uniflora can be hard to spot when they are hiding under ferns
