Multiple Exposure and Christmas Lights on December 23, 2016 bokeh Canon 7D Mark ii +10 Christmas Lights Colorful double exposure graphic holiday in-camera instructional layering long exposure motion movement Multiple exposure night special effects bokeh Canon 7D Mark ii Christmas Lights Colorful double exposure graphic holiday in-camera instructional layering long exposure motion movement Multiple exposure night special effects
December 21, 2016 Bufflehead diving on December 21, 2016 action Bird Budd Inlet Bufflehead +10 Canon 7D Mark ii diving Duck high speed photography instructional Male motion Olympia Photo of the Week Puget Sound shutter speed stop action Washington action Bird Budd Inlet Bufflehead Canon 7D Mark ii diving Duck high speed photography instructional Male motion Olympia Photo of the Week Puget Sound shutter speed stop action Washington
December 21, 2016 - Surf Scoter about to eat a whole clam on December 21, 2016 action behavior Bird Budd Inlet +6 clam drake Duck Feeding forage Juvenile mollusk Olympia Photo of the Week Puget Sound surf scoter Washington action behavior Bird Budd Inlet clam drake Duck Feeding forage Juvenile mollusk Olympia Photo of the Week Puget Sound surf scoter Washington